Bike around Tulum, Visit Tulum Ruins with a Certified Guide & eat Delicious Tacos !
Tulum Ruins - Refreshing Cenote Swim - Local Insight & Tips as you cycle through Town - Quiet Backroads & Hidden Paths - Delicious Tacos - Lowdown on Mayan Beekeeping
Cycle quiet jungle paths - Discover 2 Different Cenotes - Delicious Lunch in the Jungle
3 Different Cenotes: Flooded Cavern (Snorkel) - Dry Cave and Open Sinkhole - Cycle quiet forested paths - Bike in the Jungle and learn about the unique Eco-Systems - Delicious Lunch in the Jungle.
Bike around Tulum, Visit Tulum Ruins with a Certified Guide & eat Delicious Tacos !
Tulum Ruins - Refreshing Cenote Swim - Local Insight & Tips as you cycle through Town - Quiet Backroads & Hidden Paths - Delicious Tacos - Lowdown on Mayan Beekeeping
Cycle quiet jungle paths - Discover 2 Different Cenotes - Delicious Lunch in the Jungle
3 Different Cenotes: Flooded Cavern (Snorkel) - Dry Cave and Open Sinkhole - Cycle quiet forested paths - Bike in the Jungle and learn about the unique Eco-Systems - Delicious Lunch in the Jungle.
Empty Roads & Forest Trails - Jungle Wildlife Hike - Traditional Mayan Communities - The Punta Laguna Nature Reserve (Home of the Spider Monkey) - Tropical Lake Canoeing - ZipLine - Backroads Biking - Delicious Home Made Food